The COVID19 pandemic has been a very strange way to begin 2020, to say the least. I'm not sure about all of you but I wake up hoping each day will get better, then we hear about insane things like Murder Hornets and we continue on trying to realize that this is not a movie, this is real life. Throughout this crisis, I can honestly say that I have seen the food allergy community come together even stronger. This virtual family is insanely loving, compassionate and it has been a huge part of what has kept me going.
One of my BIGGEST fears as a food allergy parent has always been THIS scenario- a time when there may not be enough safe foods for my child and others. The first article that I ever read waaaaay back when NutriSon was young made me cry- it was about a woman whose child had Celiac. They were in need and went to the local food pantry for most of their food items. Because the food pantry was limited, the mother's choice was watch her child starve to death or watch her child eat foods that made her sick. I cried. I went and hugged my son (I wish I could remember who published the article to give them credit). With NutriSon having multiple food allergies (eggs, peanuts, shellfish and watermelon) as soon as I began to hear reports of possible meat shortages, my heart returned to the same feeling I had reading that article. Luckily, there are plant-based alternatives to provide protein but as always, I remind you to read every label and research to ensure your foods are safest for your allergy needs.
I reached out to Cindy Gordon aka Vegetarian Mamma for some tips on plant-based alternatives. She is one of my favorite bloggers who can honestly make just about anything look tantalizing. Here is what she shared with me:
What ways do you keep your protein optimal?
Cindy shared her article on "Vegetarian Protein Sources where she shares a handful of proteins that can easily be made into multiple meals.
What are some of your personal favorite go-to products? "I like Hilary's Eat Well burgers (free of: gluten, soy, corn, egg, dairy, peanut, tree nut, sesame, coconut, mustard, shellfish and sulfites) and Beyond Meat (some people need to use caution as it's made from pea protein). I have tried Hilary's products and they are super tasty!!
What other items do you keep in your pantry? "I have a big stock of dried beans and lentils that I buy in bulk."
Another amazing food option I recommend is Debbie Adler. I met her years ago when she was the "cupcake lady" but she has transformed her diet into a plant-based diet, sharing her delicious meals. Debbie has published multiple cookbooks and her social media pages are filled to the brim with recipe after recipe. She originally began her bakery, transforming it to an allergy-free bakery after her son was born with multiple food allergies. Years after, she also transformed her own diet into a plant-based diet which she calls her "plant powerful renaissance".
One of my BIGGEST fears as a food allergy parent has always been THIS scenario- a time when there may not be enough safe foods for my child and others. The first article that I ever read waaaaay back when NutriSon was young made me cry- it was about a woman whose child had Celiac. They were in need and went to the local food pantry for most of their food items. Because the food pantry was limited, the mother's choice was watch her child starve to death or watch her child eat foods that made her sick. I cried. I went and hugged my son (I wish I could remember who published the article to give them credit). With NutriSon having multiple food allergies (eggs, peanuts, shellfish and watermelon) as soon as I began to hear reports of possible meat shortages, my heart returned to the same feeling I had reading that article. Luckily, there are plant-based alternatives to provide protein but as always, I remind you to read every label and research to ensure your foods are safest for your allergy needs.
I reached out to Cindy Gordon aka Vegetarian Mamma for some tips on plant-based alternatives. She is one of my favorite bloggers who can honestly make just about anything look tantalizing. Here is what she shared with me:
What ways do you keep your protein optimal?

What are some of your personal favorite go-to products? "I like Hilary's Eat Well burgers (free of: gluten, soy, corn, egg, dairy, peanut, tree nut, sesame, coconut, mustard, shellfish and sulfites) and Beyond Meat (some people need to use caution as it's made from pea protein). I have tried Hilary's products and they are super tasty!!
What other items do you keep in your pantry? "I have a big stock of dried beans and lentils that I buy in bulk."
My Meatless Options include beans and refried beans, coconut-based products (one of our main staples is So Delicious), SunButter, Barney Butter (contains almonds), seed items such as SuperSeedz and OWYN plant-based shakes. The tricky part is finding plant-based options that contain safe ingredients but will also be easy to use in recipes and accepted by picky eaters.

The key to meatless meal options include:
- Researching products and foods that are safe for your allergies
- Understanding how to utilize the options that you have
- Accept that recipes may flop from time to time
- Get everyone in your household involved so that newer food options are more likely to be eaten
- Don't overbuy items that you haven't tried before- if you don't like them, you are stuck with a lot of them
- Reuse leftovers as lunches, snacks or additional meals
Do you have a favorite product or recipe? Share in the comments!
Sending everyone hugs upon hugs. Stay home, stay safe & cook with love ~
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