Allergic Child Empowerment

The first step of being a food allergy parent is just that- being a food allergy parent. We protect, we research, we advocate and we tuck in our superhero capes at the end of each day. It's a given. Regardless of the challenging days, we are grateful that we have the strength and support to continue to be that parent. But then, there is the next step. This step is just as challenging, if not more than being a food allergy parent. Because it means that we have to let ourselves trust on an entirely different level. We have to take a step back and see if the same children that we have been protecting can also protect themselves.

Luckily, Dr. Donna DeCosta of FoodASC has put together a FREE 4-part video workshop to help us take the next step. Her program E3 Method: Discover How to Empower Your Child With Food Allergies will be available in just a few short days. Saturday, March 16th 10 AM EST is the official launch date but you can subscribe now to get immediate updates when full access to the videos will be online and ready for you to view. The videos will remain up during the workshop and a new video will be available every other day over the course of the week.

Are you curious what will be covered in the video series? Me too! This workshop will:

    Empower allergic child video program
  • Focus on mothers of children and tweens with food allergies
  • Discuss specific tools, techniques and tactics to help empower your children
  • Motive your children to move away from fear and towards freedom
  • Include information about maternal fear and anxiety
  • Share strategies to deal with fear and manage stressful situations
What is Dr. DeCosta's Goal?  
I have known Dr. DeCosta for many years- I know that she is someone who wakes up each and every day with a need to help others. As she shares "I am a passionate advocate of the food allergy and sensitivity community. I designed FoodASC to be a community resource for people navigating the challenges of dietary restrictions so that they can connect with others living with similar struggles. I envision it to be a place where people can find resources to help manage daily challenges, learn from friends and experts, and become more empowered." 

happy smiling child empowered loveWhile You Wait Patiently Not only will the free workshop be available in just a few days but FoodASC has more support on their other social media pages as well. Be sure to visit them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest

Please share this with others that you feel are looking for some new advice or information. In the world of food allergies, we are graced with an endless support from so many people that are out there, going through the same situations. Feel free to share a comment about the videos after you have viewed them. On a last note, I wanted to say how proud I am of Dr. DeCosta for all that she has done for our community and continues to do. I am grateful to know her and I she inspires me to continue my path as well. 

Doctor advocate food allergies


  1. Tracy, thank you for such a lovely post! I am honored to have met you many years ago and to call you my friend. I appreciate your support of me and all you have done for the food allergy community. Thank you for writing about my mission and my workshop. I am very excited to share with members of the food allergy community.


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